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LoL Lethal Tempo is Coming Back!
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LoL Lethal Tempo is Coming Back!

In a significant move, Riot Games removed Lethal Tempo from League of Legends in Patch 14.10. This controversial move sent ripples through the community, altering playstyles and meta strategies. However, in a surprising turn of events, it seems that this powerful rune might be making its way back to Summoner's Rift sooner than anyone expected.

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LoL Lethal Tempo Removal

Lethal Tempo had been a problem in League of Legends for a long time. Many players knew this, but it was risky to say it out loud. The rune made many champions too strong by taking away their weak points.

Lethal Tempo created unfair advantages in the game. Champions that should be weak early on weren't as weak as they should have been. For example, Yasuo and Yone became too strong too quickly. Some matchups became unbalanced, with even Kayle, who should be weak early, able to win against strong early-game champions like Darius or Olaf if they used Lethal Tempo and moved well.

The rune simply gave too many benefits. It increased attack speed, let champions attack faster than normal limits, and even gave extra attack range. This combination was just too powerful. It wasn't fun to play against melee champions like Tryndamere and Master Yi when they could hit you from further away than they should. For ranged champions, the problem was even worse. Some, like Jinx with her rockets and Twitch with his ultimate ability, became extremely frustrating to play against when they also had Lethal Tempo.

By removing Lethal Tempo, the game's balance team has made a good choice. This change should help make the game fairer and allow the champions who used Lethal Tempo to be balanced better in the future.

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Lethal Tempo’s Return

Riot Games has announced plans to bring back the Lethal Tempo rune, which was removed in patch 14.10. The developers aim to reintroduce it in a way that addresses the balance issues that led to its initial removal.

While the exact release date hasn't been confirmed, it's likely to coincide with one of League of Legends' major seasonal patches. These significant updates, which often include rune changes, typically occur three times a year. Based on this pattern, players can expect Lethal Tempo to return either in the next major patch at the end of September or early January 2025.

The reworked version of Lethal Tempo is expected to maintain its identity while fitting more harmoniously into the game's overall balance. Players and analysts alike are eager to see how this reimagined rune will impact the meta and champion viability. Also Read: Is Faker Single or Taken?


The journey of Lethal Tempo in LoL has been a rollercoaster of game-changing impacts and balance concerns. Its removal in Patch 14.10 marked a significant shift in the game's meta, affecting countless champions and playstyles. However, its upcoming return promises a more balanced and thoughtfully designed rune that maintains its core identity while addressing previous issues. As we await its reintroduction, the League community remains eager to see how this reimagined Lethal Tempo will reshape the Summoner's Rift once again. Whether it arrives in late September or early 2025, one thing is certain: the return of Lethal Tempo will be a pivotal moment in League of Legends' ongoing evolution.

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