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5 Best Supports With Ashe in LoL
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5 Best Supports With Ashe in LoL

Ashe is a powerful ADC in League of Legends with great potential to be one of the best champions in the game. Her slowing effects can be a real pain for enemies, but that's not always enough to dominate the bot lane. To really shine, Ashe needs good support by her side - someone who can keep her safe and help lock down enemies to make the most of her skills.

After much testing and many games, we've found that five supports work exceptionally well with Ashe. Here are the top 5 supports that pair amazingly with Ashe:

  1. Renata Glasc

  2. Soraka

  3. Seraphine

  4. Taric

  5. Pyke

These champions offer Ashe valuable tools like shields, healing, and hard crowd control to keep enemies at bay. Let's take a closer look at why each of these supports works so well with our frost archer.


Renata Glasc, the Chem-Baroness

Renata Glasc takes the top spot as best support with Ashe, with an impressive 56.02% win rate. This high win rate isn't just a coincidence - Renata's kit complements Ashe's playstyle perfectly, creating a formidable duo in the bot lane.

One of Renata's key abilities that synergizes well with Ashe is her Q, Handshake. This powerful skill sends out a missile that roots the first enemy hit, allowing Ashe to follow up with her own attacks. What's more, Renata can recast this ability to throw the rooted enemy in a chosen direction, setting up perfect opportunities for Ashe to land her ultimate.

Renata's W, Bailout, is another game-changing ability that greatly benefits Ashe. This buff not only helps Ashe fight harder but also has the potential to delay her death. If Ashe manages to secure a takedown while under the effect of Bailout, she could potentially survive situations that would otherwise be fatal. This added layer of protection allows Ashe to play more aggressively and output more damage in team fights.

Perhaps the most impactful ability in Renata's arsenal is her ultimate, Hostile Takeover. This powerful wave of chemicals causes any enemies hit to go Berserk, forcing them to attack their own teammates. When combined with Ashe's slowing abilities and ultimate, this can create chaos in enemy ranks, allowing your team to clean up fights with ease.

The synergy between Renata and Ashe extends beyond just their abilities. Renata's presence allows Ashe to focus on dealing damage while providing her with the tools to kite and survive. 

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Soraka, the Starchild

Soraka stands out as an excellent support choice for Ashe, offering a unique blend of sustain and utility that perfectly complements the Frost Archer's playstyle.

At the heart of Soraka's kit is her W ability, Astral Infusion. This powerful healing spell allows Soraka to sacrifice a portion of her own health to restore her lane partner's. For Ashe, this constant healing means she can stay in lane longer, farm more efficiently, and trade more aggressively with enemies. 

Perhaps even more impactful is Soraka's ultimate ability, Wish. This global heal can turn the tide of battles not just in the bot lane, but across the entire map. For Ashe, this means an extra layer of protection during team fights or skirmishes. Even if she's caught out of position or focused by enemy assassins, a well-timed Wish from Soraka can keep Ashe alive long enough to turn the fight around with her consistent damage and crowd control.

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Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress

Seraphine emerges as another top-tier support choice for Ashe, bringing a unique blend of damage, crowd control, and utility to the bot lane partnership.

One of Seraphine's key strengths is her passive, Stage Presence. This passive allows her to cast every third basic spell twice, effectively doubling her impact in crucial moments. For Ashe, this means more frequent crowd control and damage from her support, creating additional opportunities to follow up with her own abilities. Seraphine's Q ability, High Note, provides consistent area damage that synergizes well with Ashe's playstyle. This spell allows the duo to clear minion waves quickly, maintain lane pressure, and poke down enemy champions. 

Perhaps the most impactful ability in Seraphine's kit when paired with Ashe is her ultimate, Encore. This powerful spell deals damage and charms enemies in a line, with its range refreshing on each champion hit. For Ashe, this creates ideal scenarios to follow up with her own ultimate, Enchanted Crystal Arrow. The combination of Seraphine's charm and Ashe's stun can lock down multiple enemies for an extended period, often deciding team fights or securing crucial picks.


Taric, the Shield of Valoran

Taric stands out as a powerful support option for Ashe, offering a unique combination of protection, crowd control, and game-changing ultimate. One of Taric's key abilities that synergizes exceptionally well with Ashe is his E, Dazzle. This skill allows Taric to ready a beam of starlight that, after a brief delay, deals magic damage and stuns enemies. The stun effect is particularly valuable when paired with Ashe's slows and her own ultimate. 

However, what truly sets Taric apart as a support for Ashe is his ultimate ability, Cosmic Radiance. This powerful spell pulses cosmic energy onto nearby allied champions after a delay, making them invulnerable for a short duration. For Ashe, this ability is a game-changer. It allows her to position herself aggressively in team fights, knowing she has a window of invulnerability to fall back on. This can enable Ashe to output maximum damage without fear of being burst down, turning her into an even more formidable threat.

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Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper

Rounding out our list of best supports with Ashe is the aggressive and deadly Pyke. This unconventional support brings a unique playstyle that, when paired with Ashe, can create a surprisingly potent and aggressive bot lane duo.

Pyke's Q ability, Bone Skewer, is a versatile tool that synergizes well with Ashe's kit. When charged, it allows Pyke to pull an enemy towards him, setting up perfect opportunities for Ashe to follow up with her arrows and slows. Even when tapped for a quick stab, it provides additional burst damage that complements Ashe's sustained damage output.

Phantom Undertow, Pyke's E ability, is another powerful engagement tool. Pyke can dash through enemies, leaving behind a phantom that returns to him, stunning any enemy champions in its path. This ability creates excellent engagement opportunities for Ashe, allowing her to follow up with her own crowd control and damage. 

Perhaps the most impactful part of Pyke's kit when paired with Ashe is his ultimate, Death From Below. This execution ability allows Pyke to blink to and execute low-health enemies. What makes this particularly powerful is that it can be cast again if it successfully executes a target, and it grants additional gold to an ally who assists in the kill. For Ashe, this means more gold income and the potential for multi-kills in team fights.


To sum up, these five supports - Renata Glasc, Soraka, Seraphine, Taric, and Pyke - each bring unique strengths to their partnership with Ashe. From Renata's game-changing crowd control and protective abilities to Pyke's aggressive playstyle and execution potential, each support offers different ways to amplify Ashe's strengths and cover her weaknesses. By pairing Ashe with one of these top-tier supports, you can maximize her potential and create a formidable bot lane duo capable of dominating games.

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